Saturday, January 1, 2011

Submarines are man only zones!

Now to undertake the feminisits.  As we all know women have never been allowed to serve on US submarines. Yes, this is a little bit sexist. But, who reall ycares. I know we should not push back against change, but if you have never lived in a subrmine life ten you can not honestly say you know how this will affect the US submarine community.

First off, have you ever had to take a shower with the smallest amount of water? This is because on a submarine we make our own water and also have to pump it overboard. This means you have to be able to hold it inside till you pump it overboard. So firstly the women would have to keep their hair short like a mans. How many would be willing to do this? Probably not very many!!

Secondly, have you ever had to take a part a valve that is clogged with something? Femine hygene products don't flush well. Now you are forcing somone else to take apart a valve and clean up your unsanitary problem. Well one would say to just throw it in the garbage. This garbage is compressed by pressure of upwards to 3000 psi. So your little problem just crushed and flew every where. We already have this problem with not enough restrooms and watchstanders.

Since we have already brought up bathrooms we shall continue on this avenue. Since we are a society of equal opportunity and privacy, the bathroom (head) would have to be secured for female usage during certain times. So now the crew loses 3 toilets, 4 sinks and 2 showers (half available) to one or 2 females. So where is the fairness in that?

What about casualty response teams? Have you ever had to carry a 120lb pump up and down steep stairs and ladders?? I highly doubt a 120lb woman would be able to do the same. Even the smallest guy on a submarine is required to do this. And do it quickly. Now you have put the crew's lives at risk. Is it really worth being a pioneer to prove something or making sure that the 160+ crew makes it home safely everytime.

Lastly, what about pregnancy??? Men don't get pregnant. We don't need to have special doctors to help us through our problems. So now you are down a crew memeber and short on watchstanders, since someone wanted  a baby.

For what it's worth, if the submarine was designed around a woman, then maybe I would support it. But as it lies now, it not and we are just trying to cater to the pro-woman choice. I am not sexist, I just don't see the big deal of having to have a woman on a submarine that wasn't designed for this. That is what I have to say for now.