Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Military Removes Ban on Don't Ask Don't Tell

On December 22, 2010 Congress (the wisest of the United States) repealed the ban on the Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT) policy that had been in effect since 1993. I really do not have a problem with gay's. I have a couple of friends that are and a friend that has gender identification disorder. We are still friends even after I found out. Now we come to the part as if I would have worked with them in my job on a submarine. The answer is no.

I am not a homophobic, nor judgemental. The job and work I had to do while stationed on the USS Nevada as a Missile Technician were not always pleasent or were you allowed much space. When you have a guy that has to put his head on your crotch so that he can watch you work and assure you aren't tampering with a vital system, then I have to say it is not the place for a gay person. It's hard enough to concentrate on the task at hand, but even more when you think that the person might find you attractive and take advantage of the situation.

My last problem would be with the moral and segregation of the ship. Yes, the ship does segregate. You have the newbies, dolphin wearing blue shirts, goats and then the officers. Then you will just throw a whole new group that will be bombarded with constant hazing and harrassment. I know what you are thinking, what about the women they are introducing into the sumbarine community? Don't even get me started on that. It's not that people would hate them per se, but more of their beliefs and the part of being different. Just as in everyday life.

This is just my opnion and should be no way used against any other entity or group. Thanks.

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